
IBA GmbH™ MART-1 peptide ELAGIGILTV (HLA-A*0201)

IBA GmbH™ MART-1 peptide ELAGIGILTV (HLA-A*0201) is a single peptide for stimulation of human MART 1-specific CD8+ T-cells. 1MG MART-1 peptide ELAGIGILTV (HLA-A*0201)

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ Avidin

15 MG Avidin 15mg Store in -20C Freezer

IBA Solutions for Life Science™ D-desthiobiotinebuffer E

25 ML D-DESTHIOBIOTIN, 25MM BUFFER SOLUTION (10XBuffer E) contains Tris pH 8, NaCl and EDTA 25mL

IBA Solutions for Life Science™ Strep-tag™-regeneratiebuffer, 10X

100 ML STREP-TAG(R) REGENERATION BUFFER WITH HABA(10x Buffer R) 100mL Store in 4C Fridge

IBA Lifesciences™ StrepMAB™ -Immuno

100 UG STREPMAB-IMMO, MURINE HIGH AFFINITY STREP-Tag II specificmonoclonal IgG1, purified 100µg

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ Strep-Tactin Sepharose-suspensie


IBA GmbH™ Streptamer™ Solution Set Standard

IBA GmbH™ Streptamer™ Solution Set Standard is designed to be used for washing and dissociation. Streptamer solution set standard, buffer 50ml,Biotin Stock 1ml

IBA Solutions for Life Science™ Strep-tag™ Protein Purification Buffer Set

100ml Strep-Tactin purification buffer set(100mL 10x buffer W, 25mL 10x buffer E, 100mL

IBA Lifesciences™ Biotin Blocking Buffer


IBA Solutions For Life Science 2,6-Diaminopurine-2'-desoxyriboside-TP

A modified nucleoside-triphosphate (3’-modified oligos) that allows researchers to study the inhibition of DNA polymerases and DNA-protein interactions. 2,6-Diaminopurine-2'-desoxyriboside-TP

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ UpU-dinucleotide IBA

1 MMOL UpU-dinucleotide 1µmol Store in Freezer at

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ 2'-Amino-2'-dUTP IBA

500 NMOL 2'-Amino-2'-dUTP 0.5µmol Store in Freezer

IBA GmbH CD45RA Isolation Kit for FABian™

For automated positive cell separation. The Isolation Kit for FABian&trade provides label-free target cells without the use of high affinity antibodies and magnetic beads CD45RA Isolation Kit for FABian(R), human, 1 Kit

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ 2-Diaminopurine-2'-desoxyriboside-TP IBA

500 NMOL 2,6-Diaminopurine-2'-desoxyrib oside-TP

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ ApA-dinucleotide IBA

5 MG ApA-dinucleotide 5mg Store in Freezer at -20C

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ GpG-dinucleotide IBA

10 MG GpG-dinucleotide 10mg Store in Freezer at

IBA GmbH™ Small Mammalian Expression Vector

Designed for protein expression for mammalian HEK293E cells (MEXi 293E cells). IBA GmbH™ Small Mammalian Expression Vector is a small transient expression vector especially developed for the use in combination with the MEXi mammalian expression system. pDSG-IBA102; 5µg

IBA Solutions For Life Science 2-Thio-CTP

A modified nucleoside-triphosphate (modified 2´-ribonucleoside-5´-triphosphates) that helps in studying crosslinking experiments. 2-Thio-CTP

IBA Solutions For Life Science C8-Alkyne-dCpA-PH Transcription Starter

A DNA/RNA oligonucleotide for 5´-labeled transcripts that allows click reaction with a number of azide labels. C8-Alkyne-dCpA-PH

IBA Lifesciences™ 5mL Gravity Flow Column


IBA GmbH™ E. coli Expression Vector with Secretion

Regulate the expression of proteins with a vector that carries the inducible tetracycline promoter/operator. IBA GmbH™ E. coli Expression Vector with Secretion allows for the expression of proteins in E.coli. pASG-IBA2; 5µg

IBA Solutions For Life Science 8-Bromo-GTP

A modified nucleoside-triphosphate (modified 2´-ribonucleoside-5´-triphosphates) that helps in studying RNA-protein interactions. 8-Bromo-GTP

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ ATP alpha S IBA

500 NMOL ATP alpha S 0.5µmol Store in Freezer at

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ ApA-dinucleotide IBA

10 MG ApA-dinucleotide 10mg Store in Freezer at

IBA GmbH™ E. coli Expression Vector with No Secretion

Regulate the expression of proteins with a vector that carries the inducible tetracycline promoter/operator. IBA GmbH™ E. coli Expression Vector with No Secretion allows for the expression of proteins in E.coli. pASG-IBA105; 5µg

IBA Solutions For Life Science StarGate™ pPSG-IBA Acceptor Vectors for E. coli Expression

Achieves high-level expression in E. coli by the T7 promoter by providing specified genetic surroundings for optimal expression and purification of non-toxic proteins. pPSG-IBA65; 5µg

IBA GmbH™ Strep-Tactin™ PE for Fab Streptamers™

IBA GmbH™ Strep-Tactin™ PE for Fab Streptamers™ is for reversible cell isolation delivering label-free target cells. 50UL Strep-Tactin PE for Fab Streptamers

IBA Solutions For Life Science™ CpG-dinucleotide IBA

1 MG CpG-dinucleotide 1mg Store in Freezer at -20C

IBA GmbH™ CD8 Isolation Kit for FABian™

IBA GmbH™ CD8 Isolation Kit for FABian™ is for reversible cell isolation delivering label-free target cells. CD8 Isolation Kits for FABian, Human single marker, Capacity 6.25ml whole blood/kit


Featured Products



The purification system with the highest affinity – one tag for expression, purification, detection and immobilization

  • High affinity in low pM range
  • Rapid one-step purification with unparalleled protein purity (> 95 %)
  • Mild and specific elution
  • Tolerates broad range of buffer conditions
  • Suitable for metalloproteins, membrane proteins, low abundant proteins, protein complexes and any other

Immobilization with near covalent binding affinity

Immobilization with near covalent binding affinity

Twin-Strep-tag™ Capture Kit for SPR experiments »

  • High affinity in low pM range enables long term measurements (T1/2 = 13 h)
  • Chip can be easily regenerated

High affinity meets high capacity!

High affinity meets high capacity!

Strep-Tactin™XT Superflow™ high capacity »

  • Higher protein yields compared to all other Strep-Tactin™ resins
  • Dynamic binding capacity of ~15 mg protein per ml resin
  • Elution of concentrated protein due to small elution volumes
  • Cost efficent: small price for more protein

Try our new high affinity Strep-tag™ system

Try our new high affinity Strep-tag® system

Starter Kit consists of:

  • Strep-Tactin™XT Superflow™ gravity flow column
  • Buffer W (Strep-Tactin™/Strep-Tactin™XT Wash Buffer)
  • Buffer BXT (Strep-Tactin™XT Elution Buffer with Biotin)
  • Strep-Tactin™ conjugated with HRP (for Western blot detection)
  • Short protocol
IBS's Cell Selection

Traceless Affinity Cell Selection

Traceless Affinity Cell Selection

Fab-TACS™ technology perfectly combines the benefits of positive and negative cell selection

  • High purity, yield and viability
  • Label-free cells
  • Directly from whole blood
  • No centrifugation

Fab-TACS™ Gravity and FABian™ »

Magnetic Cell Selection

Magnetic Cell Selection

IBA's Streptamer™ »

  • Fully reversible
  • No stimulation of cells after cell separation
  • Optimal preservation of cell effector function 
  • Improved viability of cells 

Cell Stimulation & Expansion

Cell Stimulation & Expansion

CD3/CD28 Streptamers™ »

  • Completely reversible reagents
  • Detachment from the cells at any given point in time
  • Adjustable CD3 : CD28 ratio 
  • Non-magnetic and bead-free

Peptides for T cell stimulation »

  • Purity > 80 %
  • Endotoxin free

Fluorescent Cell Staining

Fluorescent Cell Staining

Detection of antigen-specific T cells with MHC I Streptamers™ »

Detection of receptor-specific T cells with Fab Streptamers™ »

  • Fully reversible
  • High specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility
  • No leftover of staining reagents on the cells after FACS sorting
  • Optimal preservation of cell effector function
  • Improved viability of cells

Cloning & Transfection

Cloning & Transfection

More than 150 expression vectors »

  • Variety of affinity tags
  • Expression hosts:  E. coli, mammalia, insect cells, yeast
  • StarGate cloning system

Mammalian Expression

The MEXi system »

Optimized for efficient protein expression and Strep-tag™ purification in mammalian cells.

Protein Purification

Protein Purification

Strep-tag™ system from the original manufacturer

  • High affinity in low pM range
  • Rapid one-step purification with unparalleled protein purity (> 95 %)
  • Mild and specific elution
  • Tolerates broad range of buffer conditions
  • Suitable for metalloproteins, membrane proteins, low abundant proteins, protein complexes and any other



For Western blot analysis, immunofluorescence, FACS and ELISA »

  • Strep-Tactin™ conjugates for Strep-tag™II/Twin-Strep-tag™ proteins
  • Monoclonal antibodies against Strep-tag™II/Twin-Strep-tag™


Immobilisation & Immunoprecipitation

Near covalent binding affinity – Immobilisation by Strep-Tactin™XT:Twin-Strep-tag™ for screenings, diagnostic assays, protein biochemistry, protein kinetics and interaction studies, SPR experiments (Biacore)

  • High affinity in low pM range enables measurements over a long time
  • Minimal non-specific binding 
  • Minimal coefficients of variation (cv)
  • Chip for SPR experiments can be easily regenerated


Selector resins based on high-affinity single-domain antibodies (sdAb)

  • High capacity
  • Minimal unspecific binding




Standard DNA oligonucleotides

  • Long range up to 200 bases*
  • Large scale oligonucleotides
  • 3’-, 5’- or internally modified

Random RNA, dsRNA, siRNA, miRNA

  • Long range up to 100 bases*
  • 3’-, 5’- or internally modified
  • 2‘-modified: -O-Me, -F, -NH2
  • Nucleoside Triphosphates
  • RNA and RNA/DNA hybrid
  • Dinucleotides

*depending on sequence and scale

Fluorescence Labels

Non-Fluorescence Labels

Fluorescence Labels

E.g. for FRET, qPCR, FCS/FCCS, confocal and STED microscopy, single-molecule imaging, multi-color DNA and RNA FISH, DNA Origami

  • For dual and multiply labeled DNA and RNA
  • Excellent high quality 
  • More than 200 labels to choose from
  • Quenchers such as BBQ and BHQ™
  • Completely new dye combinations available

For DNA microarrays, surface binding and hybridization experiments, cross-linking and crystallography studies and more

  • More than 80 internal, 5’- and 3’- DNA and RNA modifications 

Backbone Modifications


Backbone Modifications
  • Phosphorothioates

Custom synthesis of DNA and RNA aptamers

  • High affinity 
  • Low immunogenicity
Resources Strep-Tactin®XT Sample Request

About IBA GmbH

Solutions For Life Sciences

IBA GmbH provides innovative technologies for life science applications. The product portfolio includes tools for cell selection & expansion, protein production & assays as well as custom oligos & predefined DNA/RNA.