
OHAUS™ Modular Blocks and Accessories

Constructed from solid anodized aluminum block. Module Block 15/16 mm 12 Hole

CBS Scientific Gradient Markers

Linear with side outlets. GRADIENT MAKER 100ML

DNA Model 12 Bases

1 SET DNA model 12 bases - 3 Uracil 3 Adenine 3

BD Bacto™ Peptone

Essential agents for you to prepare your culture media.   BD Difco™ Bacto™ Peptone, is derived from an enzymatic digest of animal protein. 500GR Bactopeptone

Fisher BioReagents™ exACTGene™ Complete PCR Kit and Core Reagent Sets

Optimized for routine PCR applications. X250 UNITS EXACTGENE PCR CORE REAGENT TAQ DNA POLY
