Biology Classroom

3B Scientific™ School Torso with Head, 14-Part

Teach anatomy in great detail. Torso model 14 part classic unixex

3B Scientific™ Female Pelvis Master Series™

Removable bladder and reproductive organs. Pelvis model female

Fisher Chemical™ Permount™ Mounting Medium

For both mounting and long-term storage of slides Permount Mounting Media

3B Scientific™ Skin Section Master Series™

Enlarged skin offers students a look at the scalp and foot. Model 40 times full size skin section

3B Scientific™ Flexible Vertebral Column with Pelvis

3B Scientific stand comes in three parts and can be placed on the floor or wall-mounted making demonstrations easily accessible. Stand spinal column accessory for spinal column

3B Scientific™ Brain Models

Different separations of the brain expose different levels of detail and complexity. BRAIN LIFE SIZE MODEL BISECTABLE MOUNTED WITH KEY

3B Scientific™ Eye Model, Six Part

Dissects into sclera with cornea and eye muscle attachments, choroid with iris and retina, lens and vitreous humour. 3B Scientific&trade Eye model, Six Part is three times full size for optimal 



3B Scientific™ Male Pelvis Master Series™

Male pelvis comes with removable parts. Pelvis model male

3B Scientific™ Heart Model, 3/4 Full-Sized, Two-Part

The heart's major functions and structures are numbered for easy memorization. Heart model 2 part classic

3B Scientific™ Flexible Spine, Vertebral Column Model

Choose from male, female, or deluxe. Spines delux flexible

3B Scientific™ Skin Cancer Model

Vividly displays six different stages of the malignant melanoma. Model skin cancer

3B Scientific™ Heart, Two Times Life-Size


Fisherbrand™ Digital Key-Chain Wristband Counter

Lightweight and easy to use. COUNTER KEY CHAIN WITH WRIST STRAPcount to 99,999, shock resistannt ABS plastic

3B Scientific™ Life-Size Plastic Skulls

Three-part, life-size replica cast from the skull bones of an adult male. Skull model 3 part classic

Fisherbrand™ Hand Tally Counter

Ideal for hundreds of lab applications, including counting blood samples, taking surveys, laboratory inventory, counting total drops of liquid, receiving lab samples and tallying biomedical events. CELLRÄKNARE BRANNAN

3B Scientific™ Eye Model, Six Part

Dissects into sclera with cornea and eye muscle attachments, choroid with iris and retina, lens and vitreous humour. 3B Scientific&trade Eye model, Six Part is three times full size for optimal 


Eye model 6 part 3 times full size

3B Scientific™ Enlarged Ear, Four-Part

The complex functions of the ear exposed. EAR IN ANATOMICAL SETTING MODEL MOUNTED WITH KEY

3B Scientific™ Lung Model, Full-Size, Five-Part

Anatomically correct heart and lung model. Lung model with larynx 5 part model

3B Scientific™ Adult Human Skeleton

Premier line of skeletal models offers educators medical-grade quality. Skeleton Stan 5-feet Roller Stand

American Educational Products Lung/Breath Volume Kits

Investigate pulmonary fitness. Breath-bag including 1 tee, 2 valves, 1 mouthpiece

DCP Microdevelopments™ Microscope Slide

Microscope slide pre-prepared slide of trachea TS
