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Cytiva SeraSil-Mag Silica Coated Superparamagnetic Beads

SeraSil-Mag beads for nucleic acid isolation deliver high purity DNA extraction in NGS applications.

Brand:  Cytiva 29357369

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Product Code. 16437655

  • 117.65 € / 5mL

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  • Delivers high purity DNA extraction for highly sensitive applications where sample is scarce
  • These beads provide an optimal surface for nucleic acid binding with high performance and low background
  • High magnetization (60 emu/g) and strong binding capacity giving fast magnetic response (∼5 secs) and shorten time required for magnetic steps during isolation
  • Beads come in two sizes (submicroscale diameter 700 nm and 400 nm), offering choice based on surface requirements and high binding capacity due to the small sized particles
  • Beads are monodispersed with narrow size distribution for consistent, reproducible results
  • Silanol hydroxyl groups on the bead surface give efficient, high purity isolation of nucleic acids
  • Tested for microbial contamination
  • Good buoyancy stability (low sedimentation rate): beads remain well suspended and dispersed for over 90 mins (at 1 mg/mL concentration)


    20 mg/mL in water (0.05% sodium azide)
    Storage Solution: Water + 0.05% sodium azide
    Chaotropic salt chemistry and vortex mixing, roller mixing and sonication
    5 mL
    Room Temperature
    400 nm
    Silica coated, core-shell structure
    400 nm diameter particles
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