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MP Biomedicals™ ETBR Greenbag Disposal Kit

ETBR Greenbag Disposal Kit for removing Ethidium Bromide from solutions.

Brand:  MP Biomedicals™ 112350200

264.53 EUR valid until 2024-12-31
Use promo code "23894" to get your promotional price.

Product Code. 11303179

  • 362.00 € / Pack of 50
Estimated Shipment: 24-01-2025
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  • Each kit can remove 500 mg of Ethidium Bromide
  • Each bag contains a standard amount of activated material that will safely and easily concentrate Ethidium Bromide from large liquid quantities
  • The bags containing the biohazardous material can then be disposed of in a proper container
  • Applications include Agarose Gel Electrophoresis, DNA and RNA purification
  • Store at room temperature 15°C to 30°C
  • 50 bags/kit


ETBr Green Bag Disposal Kit
50 Bags/Pk.
Store at 15°C to 30°C
Agarose gel electrophoresis, DNA, RNA purification
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