Western Blotting Reagents, Membranes, Supplies

Invitrogen™ Novex™ PVDF Pre-cut Blotting Membranes

Pre-cut and pre-assembled—ready for protein blotting/transfer X20 Membrane filter paper Invitrogen(tm) sndwInvitrogen makes blotting easier by providing a

Normal Human Serum Control, Invitrogen™


Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ ECL Western Blotting Substrate

Value-priced, entry-level peroxidase substrate for enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) that directly replaces costlier products without the need to re-optimize conditions. 50 ML ECL WESTERN BLOTTING SUBSTRATE

GE Healthcare Amersham™ AlkPhos Direct™ Labeling Modules

Fast and convenient systems for all high-sensitivity applications using DNA, RNA or oligonucleotide probes. AlkPhos Direct Labeling Systems are based on the rapid, direct labeling of DNA or RNA probes with thermostable alkaline phosphatase. AlkPhos Direct Labeling Module, for 2500 cm2membrane

Invitrogen™ iBlot™ 2 Gel Horizontal Transfer Device

Performs Western blotting transfer simply, efficiently, and reliably, within seven minutes and without the need for liquid buffers IBLOT 2 GEL TRANSFER DEVICE

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Pico PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate

An enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) horseradish peroxidase (HRP) substrate that enables picogram- to high femtogram-level protein detection by western blot analysis SUPERSIGNAL WEST PICO PLUS

NeutrAvidin Protein, Invitrogen™

NeutrAvidin Protein, 31000, from Invitrogen™, 31000, from Invitrogen™ Species Reactivity: ; Applications: ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, In Situ Hybridization (ISH), Western Blot. IMMUNOPURE NEUTRAVIDIN BIOTIN-BINDING PROTEIN, 10re 10mg

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Femto Chemiluminescent Substrate

Ultra-sensitive enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) HRP substrate for low-femtogram-level detection by Western blot analysis. SUPERSIGNAL WEST FEMTO CHEMILUMINESCENT SUBSTRATETrial kit, SuperSignal 20mL Store in Fridge at 4C

Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBlot™ 2 PVDF Transfer Stacks

Consumable stacks with integrated PVDF transfer membranes for dry blotting of proteins X10 iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks, PVDF, mini

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ CM-H2DCFDA General Oxidative Stress Indicator

General oxidative stress indicator X20 5-(and-6)-chloromethyl-2' Store at -20CCM-H2DCFDA is a cell-permeant indicator for

GE Healthcare Amersham™ CDP-Star Detection Reagents

Rapid, direct labeling of DNA or RNA probes with thermostable alkaline phosphatase.  GE Healthcare Amersham™ CDP-Star Detection Reagents label DNA or RNA probes during a 30-minute reaction and resulting probes can be used without purification. CDP-STAR

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Protein-Free Blocking Buffers

Block membranes, plates and other samples with these ready-to-use PBS and TBS formulations of a non-protein compound to yield extremely low background. 1 LT PROTEIN-FREE T20 (PBS) BLOCKING BUFFER 1L

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Streptavidin HRP Conjugate, High Sensitivity

Amplify signal in Western blot, ELISA or other biotin-based detection methods with this exclusive, high signal-to-noise, peroxidase-conjugated, ready-to-use streptavidin. HIGH SENS STREP-HRP,(10 µG/ML)2ML

Thermo Scientific™ Blocker™ Casein Blocking Buffers

Block membranes, plates and other samples with these ready-to-use PBS or TBS solutions of purified casein for Western blot, ELISA and other detection methods. 100mL Blocker Casein in PBS

Thermo Scientific™ CL-XPosure™ Film (X-Ray Film)

Capture results of ECL-based Western blots and other chemiluminescent protein or nucleic acid assays using this economically priced, clear-blue X-ray film. X100 X ray film Thermo Scientific Pierce CL-XPosur

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Recombinant Protein A/G and Conjugates

Detect antibodies, especially IgG isotypes, from many different species hosts with this purified, alkaline phosphatase- or peroxidase-conjugated recombinant Protein A/G.

GE Healthcare Amersham™ AlkPhos Direct™ ECF Detection Module

Fast and convenient systems for all high-sensitivity applications using DNA, RNA or oligonucleotide probes ECF SUBSTRATE

Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBlot™ 2 Nitrocellulose Transfer Stacks

Used to transfer proteins with the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device 10 stacks, iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks,nitrocellulose, mini

Invitrogen™ Novex™ XCell™ SureLock™ Mini-Cell and XCell II™ Blot Module

Quickly and easily run and blot Novex minigels SURELOCK KIT WITH BLOT MODULE 0

Thermo Scientific™ Blocker™ BLOTTO Blocking Buffer

Block membranes, plates and other samples with this ready-to-use 5% solution of nonfat powdered milk in TBS for Western blot, ELISA and other detection methods. BLOCKER BLOTTO IN TBS, 1 L, MA: 375304°C

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ PVDF Membranes

Enable high protein and nucleic acid binding capacity with sheets and rolls of high-quality polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane. X10 Transfer membrane Pierce low-fluorescence

Thermo Scientific™ Avidin Protein and Conjugates, Invitrogen™

Perform Western blot, ELISA or other biotin-based detection methods using these purified and HRP-, AP- or FITC-labeled avidin molecules. AVIDIN 20MG

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Clear Milk Blocking Buffer

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce Clear Milk Blocking Buffer is a long shelf-life, high performance replacement for homemade milk blocking buffers in Western blotting applications. PIERCE CLEAR MILK BLOCKING BUFFER (10X), 100 ML

GE Healthcare Amersham™ Protran™ NC Nitrocellulose Membranes: Rolls

Use this versatile nitrocellulose membrane for excellent binding affinity for small proteins and peptides, as well as nucleic acids. GE Healthcare Amersham™ Protran™ NC Nitrocellulose Membranes: Rolls offer excellent sensitivity, resolution, and low background. X1 Amersham Protran 0.45um Nitrocellulose 150mm x4m roll

GE Healthcare Electrodes and Paper for NovaBlot™


Streptavidin Protein, HRP, Invitrogen™

Streptavidin Protein, HRP conjugate, 21124, from Invitrogen™, 21124, from Invitrogen™ Species Reactivity: ; Applications: ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blot. 2 MG STREPTAVIDIN, HRP CONJUGATED 2MG STORE INfreezer at -20°C

Novex™ Novex™ AP Chemiluminescent Substrate (CDP-Star™)

Novex™ AP Chemiluminescent Substrate (CDP-Star™) NOVEX AP CHEMI SUBSTRATENovex® AP Chemiluminescent Substrate is a

Gibco™ CTS™ CELLstart™ Substrate

CTS™ CELLstart™ Substrate 2 ML CELLSTART 2ML RRR - PACK AT AMBIENT STORE AT4°C in dark Shelf life 365 days

Thermo Scientific™ Restore™ Fluorescent Western Blot Stripping Buffer

Quickly and gently remove primary and near-infrared (IR) dye-labeled secondary antibodies from Western blots. 20 ML RESTORE FLUORESCENT WESTERN BLOT STRIPPINGbuffer 20mL

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ HPF (Hydroxyl Radical and Peroxynitrite Sensor)

Two indicators that together can selectively detect hypochlorite anion 3'-(P-HYDROXYPHENYL)FLUORESCEFsolution in DMF, 470 µl
