Enzymes and Inhibitors
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest BbsI (BpiI)
Cut at GAAGAC(2/6)^ sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ BbsI (BpiI), which performs best using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: BpuAI, BstV2I). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest BpiI, 20µL
Thermo Scientific™ Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)
Stabilize enzymes, increase PCR yields, and prevent adhesion of enzymes with Thermo Scientific™ Bovine Serum Albumin. 250 UL BOVINE SERUM ALBUMIN (BSA), 20MG/ML, 5MG(0.25mL), supplied in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH7.4 at
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ ClaI (Bsu15I)
Cut at AT^CGAT sites with ClaI (Bsu15I) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest™ Buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest Bsu15I, 100µL
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ EcoRI
The FastDigest EcoRI restriction enzyme recognizes G^AATTC sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. X5 FASTDIGEST ECORI 500UL
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest SanDI (KflI)
Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest KflI, 20µL
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ Eco32I
Cut at GAT^ATC sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ EcoRV (Eco32I), which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: EcoRV). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest Eco32I, 400µL
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest SwaI (SmiI)
Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest SmiI, 200µL
Thermo Scientific™ 10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer
Safely ligate samples with this buffer, for use with T4 DNA Ligase and tested for the absence of endo- and exodeoxyribonucleases and ribonucleases. X10 T4 DNA LIGASE 1.5ML
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ HindIII
The FastDigest HindIII restriction enzyme recognizes A^AGCTT sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. X5 FASTDIGEST HINDIII 500UL
Thermo Scientific™ Cfr42I (SacII)
The Cfr42I (SacII) restriction enzyme recognizes CCGC^GG sites and cuts best at 37°C in B buffer (Isoschizomers: KspI, SacII, Sfr303I, SgrBI, SstII). CFR42I (SACII) 10U/UL 2000U
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest AatII
Cut at GACGT^C sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ AatII, which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest™ Buffer (Isoschizomers: ZraI). 50 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, AATII, CUTSGACGT¬C, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 15 minutes at
Thermo Scientific™ PagI (BspHI)
The PagI (BspHI) restriction enzyme recognizes T^CATGA sites and cuts best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: BspHI, CciI, RcaI). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, PAGI (BSPHI),10u/ul, cuts T¬CATGA at 37°C (supplied with 1mL
Thermo Scientific™ AarI
Cut at CACCTGC(4/8)^ sites with AarI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in its own unique (+oligo) buffer. AARI 2U/UL 125U
Thermo Scientific™ SfiI
Cut at GGCCNNNN^NGGCC sites with SfiI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 50°C in G buffer. SFII 10U/UL 1000U
Thermo Scientific™ Cfr9I (XmaI)
The Cfr9I (XmaI) restriction enzyme recognizes C^CCGGG sites and cuts best at 37°C in its own unique buffer (Isoschizomers: TspMI, XmaCI, XmaI). CFR9I (XMAI) 10U/UL 1500U
Thermo Scientific™ AluI
Cut at AG^CT sites with AluI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango buffer (Isoschizomers: AluBI). ALUI 10U/UL 600U
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ NdeI
The FastDigest NdeI restriction enzyme recognizes CA^TATG sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: FauNDI). 300 UL RESTRICTION ENZYME, FASTDIGEST, NDEI, CUTSCA¬TATG, 1µL cleaves 1µg DNA in 5 minutes at 37°C
Thermo Scientific™ BshTI (AgeI)
Cut at A^CCGGT sites with BshTI (AgeI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: AgeI, AsiGI, CspAI, PinAI). BSHTI (AGEI) 10U/UL 1000U
Thermo Scientific™ Esp3I (BsmBI)
The Esp3I (BsmBI) restriction enzyme recognizes CGTCTC(1/5)^ sites and cuts best at 37°C in Tango (+DTT) buffer (Isoschizomers: BsmBI). ESP3I (BSMBI) 10U/UL 200U
Thermo Scientific™ BspTI (AflII)
Cut at C^TTAAG sites with BspTI (AflII) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: AflII, BfrI, Bst98I, BstAFI, MspCI, Vha464I). BSPTI (AFLII) 10U/UL 1000U
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest AscI (SgsI)
Cut at GG^CGCGCC sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ AscI (SgsI), which performs best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: PalAI). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest SgsI, 100µL
Thermo Scientific™ BcuI (SpeI)
Cut at A^CTAGT sites with BcuI (SpeI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango buffer (Isoschizomers: AhlI, SpeI). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, BCUI (SPEI),10u/ul, cuts A¬CTAGT at 37°C (supplied with 1mL
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ XhoI
Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. X3 FASTDIGEST XHOI 400UL
Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ NcoI
The FastDigest NcoI restriction enzyme recognizes C^CATGG sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: Bsp19I). 20RXN FASTDIGEST NCOI 20µL
Thermo Scientific™ BplI
Cut at ^(8/13)GAG(N)5CTC(13/8)^ sites with BplI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango(+SAM) buffer. BPLI 5U/UL 500U
Thermo Scientific™ Eco32I (EcoRV)
The Eco32I (EcoRV) restriction enzyme recognizes GAT^ATC sites and cuts best at 37°C in R buffer (Isoschizomers: EcoRV). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, ECO32I (ECORV),50u/uL, HC, cuts GAT¬ATC at 37°C (supplied with
Thermo Scientific™ 10X Taq™
Find the right buffer to meet your specific PCR needs in these 10X Taq DNA Polymerase buffers with different compositions. X10 TAQ BUFFER KCL 4X1.25ML
OPTIZYME™ PvuI, Fisher BioReagents™
Optizyme Pvu I restriction enzyme, Source: from E.coli
Thermo Scientific™ SgeI
Cut at m5CNNG(9/13)^ sites with SgeI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in its own unique buffer. RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, SGEI, 3U/UL,cuts m5CNNG(9/13)¬ at 37°C (supplied with 1mL of
Thermo Scientific™ Eco91I (BstEII)
The Eco91I (BstEII) restriction enzyme recognizes G^GTNACC sites and cuts best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: BstEII, BstPI, EcoO65I, PspEI). ECO91I (BSTEII) 10U/UL 1000U