Ion Exchange Columns
Cytiva HiTrap™ SP Sepharose Fast Flow IEX Columns
Use for small-scale protein purifications Cytiva Life Sciences™ HiTrap™ SP Sepharose Fast Flow IEX Columns are strong cation exchanger columns for rapid separations either alone or connected in series.
Cytiva HiTrap™ Q Sepharose XL IEX Columns
Optimized for fast, convenient small-scale protein capture
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Strong Cation and Anion Ion Exchange Columns
Perform rapid protein fractionation and sample preparation based on charge differences using these strong cation and anion exchange spin columns.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Strong Cation Exchange Spin Column, Maxi
Perform rapid protein fractionation and sample preparation based on charge differences using these strong cation and anion exchange spin columns.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Strong Anion Exchange Spin Column, Mini
Perform rapid protein fractionation and sample preparation based on charge differences using these strong cation and anion exchange spin columns.
Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Strong Anion Exchange Spin Column, Maxi
Perform rapid protein fractionation and sample preparation based on charge differences using these strong cation and anion exchange spin columns.
Cytiva HiTrap™ IEX HP Prepacked Columns
Use for high-resolution, small-scale protein purification. Cytiva Life Sciences™ HiTrap™ IEX HP Prepacked Columns are prepacked, ready-to-use Sepharose™ High Performance strong cation exchange columns.
Cytiva HisPrep Column
Optimize purification of histidine-tagged recombinant proteins. Cytiva Life Sciences™ HisPrep Column is a ready to use column offering convenient scale-up purification of histidine-tagged proteins.
Cytiva HiPrep™ Q HP 16/10 Column
Provide fast, preparative separations of proteins and other biomolecules
Cytiva Capto Q, 25mL
Designed to meet the demands of modern large-scale manufacturers. Cytiva Capto Q, 25ml is a strong anion exchange BioProcess medium, for fast, efficient, and cost-effective capture and intermediate protein purification of quaternary amine ligands.
Cytiva HiPrep™ Q XL 16/10 Column
Provide fast, preparative separations of proteins and other biomolecules
Cytiva Capto Q ImpRes, 25mL
Designed to meet the demands of modern, large-scale manufacturers. Cytiva Capto Q ImpRes, 25ml is a strong anion exchange BioProcess medium that enables fast, efficient, and cost-effective intermediate and polishing protein purification.
Cytiva HiTrap Capto Lentil Lectin
Capto Lentil Lectin is an affinity chromatography resin for purification of glycoproteins and other molecules containing carbohydrates such as α-D-mannose and α-D-glucose or sterically related residues.
Cytiva HiPrep™ SP XL 16/10 Column
Provide fast, preparative separations of proteins and other biomolecules
Cytiva HiTrap™ SP Sepharose XL IEX Columns
Optimized for fast, convenient small-scale protein capture
Cytiva HiTrap™ Capto™ S IEX Columns
Strong sulfoethyl(S) cation exchanger
Cytiva Capto DEAE, 25mL
Designed to meet the demands of modern large-scale manufacturers. Cytiva Capto DEAE, 25ml is a weak anion exchange BioProcess medium for fast, efficient, and cost-effective capture and intermediate protein purification.
Cytiva HiTrap™ ANX Sepharose Fast Flow IEX Columnns
Weak anion exchanger for small scale purification of higher molecular weight protein
Cytiva HiTrap PlasmidSelect Xtra
Prepacked columns.
Cytiva HiTrap MacroCap SP
Prepacked columns.
Cytiva HiTrap™ Capto DEAE IEX Columns
Weak diethylaminoethyl anion exchanger.
Cytiva HiTrap™ CM Sepharose Fast Flow IEX Columns
Weak cation exchanger for small-scale protein purifications
Cytiva HiTrap™ Capto™ Q ImpRes IEX Columns
High-throughput medium for intermediate and polishing protein purification
Cytiva HiTrap™ Capto™ Q IEX Columns
Strong quaternary ammonium (Q) anion exchanger
Cytiva HiPrep™ Q Fast Flow 16/10 Column
Provide fast, preparative separations of proteins and other biomolecules
Cytiva HiTrap™ Macrocap™ SP
For use in method scouting, group separations, sample concentration and sample clean-up of charged biomolecules. Cytiva Lifescience HiTrap™ Macrocap™ SP are made of biocompatible polypropylene that does not interact with biomolecules.
Cytiva RESOURCE™ S IEX Columns
RESOURCE prepacked columns for fast separation. Resource S IEX Columns are prepacked with Source 15S, a strong cation exchanger for intermediate lab-scale purification and large-scale polishing of biomolecules with ion exchange chromatography.
Cytiva HiTrap™ DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow IEX Columns
Weak anion exchanger for small-scale protein purifications. Cytiva Lifescience™ HiTrap™ DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow IEX Columns are convenient and rapid.
Cytiva HiTrap™ Capto™ SP ImpRes IEX Columns
High-throughput medium for intermediate and polishing protein purification
Cytiva RESOURCE™ Q IEX Columns
Use for intermediate lab-scale purification and large-scale polishing of biomolecules Cytiva Life Sciences™ RESOURCE™ Q IEX Columns are strong anion exchanger columns.
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