Tissue Processor Reagents

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Phosphate Buffer

Combine Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Phosphate Buffer with  Giemsa, Wright, and Wright-Giemsa stains for excellent results. X12 STAIN,PHOS BUF PH 7.2,9.25GX12

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Differentiating Solution

Obtain clear differentiation and contrast between the hematoxylin and eosin with Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Differentiating Solution. STAIN DIFFERENTIATINGSOL 3,8L

Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Nu-Clear™

Achieve improved cell clarity by removing excess hematoxylin from the slide with Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Nu-Clear™, a specially-formulated acid alcohol solution. STAIN NU-CLEAR II ACDALC 4L

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Signature Series Clarifier™ 1, 2

Enhance the nuclear definition and clarity of Signature Series hematoxylins with Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Signature Series Clarifier™ 1, 2. 3.79 LT SIGNATURE SERIES CLARIFIER 2 3.79L

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Tissue Section Adhesive

Increase the affinity of the tissue for the slide with Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Tissue Section Adhesive: Pre-mixed and ready-to-use. 500 ML Adhesive Tissue Section
