
Techne™ N°ICE Electronic Ice Bucket

Techne™ N°ICE Electronic Ice Bucket

Chill or incubate any number or size of tubes for long periods of time with this sample cooler. Techne™ N°ICE Electronic Ice Bucket Features ceramic-coated beads maintain the temperature and support the sample vessels for as long as necessary. COOLER 0-40°C

Cole-Parmer™ Stuart™ Flat Lid

Cole-Parmer™ Stuart™ Flat Lid

Enhance the performance of your Techne baths and circulators Lid Techne flat for 12 litre bah

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis (with Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Human Papillomavirus 31 (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Human Papillomavirus 31 (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Human Papillomavirus 31 (without Mastermix)

Techne™ Stuart™ 96-well Low Profile PCR Plates

Techne™ Stuart™ 96-well Low Profile PCR Plates

X25 PCR plate Techne 96-well low profile,non-skirt

Techne™ Stainless Steel Needle

Techne™ Stainless Steel Needle

Designed for use with Techne™ Sample Concentrators. Techne™ Stainless Steel Needles are ideal for applications such as sample preparation, drug screening, hormone assays, chromatographic analysis and scintillation counting. X100 76MM NEEDLE

Techne™ Half-skirted 96-well PCR Plate

Techne™ Half-skirted 96-well PCR Plate

X25 PCR plate Techne 96-well half skirted (pack

Techne™ Biological Stirrers

Techne™ Biological Stirrers

Techne™ Biological Stirrers consist of a stainless steel stirrer platform with locators for the culture vessels and are designed for incubator environments up to 40°C and 95% humidity. 4 POSITION? MAGNETIC STIRRER

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Shiga toxin (stx2b) producing Escherichia coli (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Shiga toxin (stx2b) producing Escherichia coli (with Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Shiga toxin (stx2b) producing Escherichia coli (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit,  Mumps virus (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Mumps virus (with Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Mumps virus (with Mastermix)

Techne™ Replacement Block

Techne™ Replacement Block

Parts and accessories to keep your Techne™ 3 Prime thermal cycler working optimally. REPLACEMENT BLOCK TECHNE(R) 3PRIMEX 48 X 0.2MLsample capacity

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Fungi Kingdom (including Yeast) (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Fungi Kingdom (including Yeast) (with Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Fungi Kingdom (including Yeast) (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit,  Sin Nombre virus (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Sin Nombre virus (with Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Sin Nombre virus (with Mastermix)

Techne™ Dri-Block™ Digital Block Heater

Techne™ Dri-Block™ Digital Block Heater

Choose a heater, then blocks to suit your application needs DB-2D+RS232 ambient to100°C,requires 2 insert blo.

Techne™ Sample Cups for Gelation Timer

Techne™ Sample Cups for Gelation Timer

Parts and accessories to keep your gel timer running smooth and accurate. X240 ALUMINIUM BECHER

Techne™ Dri-Block™ Aluminum Heating Block Insert

Techne™ Dri-Block™ Aluminum Heating Block Insert

Precision-engineered aluminum heating blocks offer excellent temperature accuracy Insert block for gelation timer, single hole,46.5mm diameter, 48mm deep

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Clostridium tetani (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Clostridium tetani (with Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Clostridium tetani (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Anacardium occidentale (cashew) (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Anacardium occidentale (cashew) (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Anacardium occidentale (cashew) (without Mastermix)

Techne™ Glass Culture Vessel

Techne™ Glass Culture Vessel

Choose a flask with the volume you need CULTURE FLASK WITH GUIDE RODParameter 125ml with 2 side necks

Techne™ Hybridization Tube Holder

Techne™ Hybridization Tube Holder

Expand the capabilities of your incubator with these parts and accessories. 50 ML TUBE HOLDER

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit,  Rotavirus C (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Rotavirus C (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Rotavirus C (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Filifactor alocis (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Filifactor alocis (with Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Filifactor alocis (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Human Bocavirus genomes (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Human Bocavirus genomes (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Human Bocavirus genomes (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Corylus avellana (hazelnut) (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Corylus avellana (hazelnut) (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Corylus avellana (hazelnut)(without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit,  Rotavirus B (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Rotavirus B (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Rotavirus B (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Borrelia garinii (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Borrelia garinii (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Borrelia garinii (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  All Entamoeba species (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, All Entamoeba species (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, All Entamoeba species (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Plasmodium knowlesi (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Plasmodium knowlesi (without Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Plasmodium knowlesi (without Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit,  Staphylococcus haemolyticus (with Mastermix)

Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Staphylococcus haemolyticus (with Mastermix)

150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Staphylococcus haemolyticus(with Mastermix)

Techne™ Stuart™ Virgin Polypropylene Microtubes

Techne™ Stuart™ Virgin Polypropylene Microtubes

pack 1000 x 0.5ml thin walled microcentrifuge tube
