Specialized Chemical Services

Your Specialized Chemical Services partner

Bulk and Specialty Chemicals

Thermo Fisher Scientific manufactures a broad selection of bulk and semi-bulk chemicals that can be fully customized to meet your research and development needs. Our chemicals are manufactured under a detailed and robust quality management program, and are shipped with lot-specific Certificates of Analysis and Material Safety Data Sheets.

Whether you are engaged in initial research or are scaling up to full production, save time and resources by using our specialized chemical services for the following product brands:

  • Fisher Chemical, Fisher Bioreagent and Thermo Scientific reagents for purification and analysis
  • Alfa Aesar, Acros Organics, and Maybridge fine chemicals
Custom Chemical Services and Solutions

Bulk and semi-bulk chemicals

Our extensive catalog can be ordered in custom sizes and formats to meet storage or process requirements. We can provide virtually any chemical, test it, package it and deliver it based on your requirements.

Custom Manufacturing

Our large scale blending, distillation, crystallization, and filling capabilities allow us to manufacture products tailored to your specific requirements, including custom aqueous and non-aqueous solutions.

Sourcing Support

Our sourcing team has global reach and will work with you to understand your process requirements. We provide a “lean” single supplier option and reliably manage multi-product supply projects.

Mixtures and Blends

Our dedicated mixing facilities can be used to produce consistent, high purity custom solvent blends and aqueous solutions for your unique applications.

Tailored Specifications

Our experience in manufacturing, processing, and testing a wide range of chemicals allows us to offer products with additional or alternate specifications.

Custom Synthesis

We produce high-quality, custom chemicals for research, pilot-scale, and full-scale production — all with full confidentiality.

Returnable Drums

When handling large quantities of solvents, you can increase safety, efficiency, and convenience, while reducing costs and eliminating glass waste with our stainless steel containers.
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Testing Services

Our in-house laboratory and quality control teams, and accredited external partners, quickly respond to your specific testing requests from method development to validation and execution.

Customized Packaging

We offer a variety of innovative, safe, convenient, and environmentally-friendly packaging to preserve your product integrity while complying with relevant regulations.

ResourcesRequest a Callback

Please provide us with your contact details. Our local Chemical Specialist will be in touch to review your bespoke chemical requirements and discuss how we can support your chemistry.
